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Associate Professor
Department of Physics & Astronomy
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September 2013

Thanks to a grant of $280.000 from the National Science Foundation (principal investigator: Prof. Dobbins), Rowan University will purchase a Combination Raman and FTIR Spectrometer.

May 2013

Professor Dobbins profiled in "Infrastructure and Materials - Transportation" section of South Jersey Tech Park at Rowan University.

Tabbetha at Rowan U

March 2012

Prof. Dobbins hosted exchange student, Shotaro Chiba, from Hokkaido University in Japan.

Shotaro Chiba at Rowan U

January 2012

Undergraduate student researcher in the Dobbins' laboratory, Zachary Buck, spent three months at Hokkaido University in Japan.

Zach Buck at Rowan U

September 2011

Prof. Dobbins appointed as the Rowan University representative to the Cooper Medical School of Rowan University (CMSRU) Advisory Board.

Zach Buck at Rowan U

March 2009

American Ceramic Society Bulletin article announces that three junior faculty members including Tabbetha Dobbins, Robert Kile and Haiyan Wang has received 2009 CAREER awards from NSF in the U.S.

ACerS Bulletin Article on 2009 CAREER Recipients

April 2007

Prof. Dobbins, representing the College of Earth & Mineral Sciences, is recipient of the Penn State University Alumni Achievement Award.

PSU Alumni Achievement Award 2007